Movie and T.V. Show Props for Sale
(right) Michael leads a seance for Gene Simmons on his hit TV show Gene Simmons Family Jewels aboard the Queen Mary
Michael J. Kouri with some of his favorite celebrities and clients: Jane Withers, George Clooney, & Ghosts in a real Haunted House(center)
Other images feature Michael just few onto the lawn of the Bewitched House at Warner Ranch in Burbank, Ca interviewing Simon Cowell, clowning around with Joanne Worley and Florence Henderson at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, Ca, Dinning with Roy E. Disney and Ray Bradbury. (Far Right) Michael poses for a photo with internationally known Disney composer Richard Sherman receiving an autographed copy of Dick's book. You will know Richard and Robert Sherman, as the creators of the world famous tune "It's a Small World," for the Disneyland attraction, Richard Sherman, a dear friend is one of my favorite Spiritual people on the planet today!
With (Left) Playing around with Alfred Hitchcock's ghost.(Right) Zelda Rubinstein from "Poltergeist" loved to have lunch with Michael at haunted restaurants. "Zelda
was such a fun person to investigate Haunted Sites with too." Her spirit has appeared on my Pasadena Ghost Tours.
Dare to Join Michael J. Kouri on one of his famous Ghost Tours in Historic Pasadena, California, Hollywood, Orange County and specialty tours, too. Tour dates, and prices can be found on the Tour Page. Just click on the Tour tab at the top of any page on this website and a friendly ghost will take you there. Many people, see, feel and capture photos of ghosts on Michael J. Kouri's tours. Barbara Walters referred to him as a Ghost Magnet when he appeared with her on "The View." Learn more about Michael and the haunts aboard Queen Mary in his book: "True Hauntings Aboard Queen Mary & Delicious Delicacies to Dine For"...the cookbook with ghost stores...also available on this website.
(Above) Michael and his team investigating the orbic energy in the 2nd class swimming pool area of the haunted Queen Mary for the Discovery Channel. Notice the giant Orb shown in this photo to the upper left, a slight orb shower above Michael's head and more to the upper right of the image...and the ghostly figure next to Michael on his left side. Will you actually capture ghosts and orbs on your camera on their phony ghost tour? Probably not. Those who run the ship today make fun of the ghosts using dumb special effects. Really not necessary. Oh well.
Excerpts of Michael J. Kouri's appearance on the A&E series Gene Simmons Family Jewels.
Though the show editors mis-spelled Michael's name on the show, he received thousands of emails from fans and friends around the world...
Michael used to offer amazing private tours there, but the company who now owns the ship won't allow him to do so. Too bad because guests who toured with Michael always enjoyed unique encounters with the real ghosts who haunt the floating hotel. However Michael offers Ghost Tours in many truly haunted sites in Southern California all year long as well as specialty Ghost Tours in other cities around the world. Visit the tour page on this website for more info. Are you Brave Enough to join Michael on one of his world famous ghost tours?
Michael appeared with Gene Simmons and held a Seance in the ships most haunted cabin!
Touring the Lobby are the actors portraying a TV show producer: A.J. Gentile, the Queen Mary Guide, Phil who actually works on the ship, but is an actor, too, Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed...about to go below to the haunted boiler rooms six decks below.
Believe it or not, this short clip took over 9 takes, for the director and cameraman to get it right. Actors may be used to doing TV shows this way, but ghosts aren't. We heard all kinds of creepy natural sounds coming from the haunted swimming pool below. Splashing sounds, people talking and other weird things, though we were the only living people there that night. The shot started at around 9pm and lasted until nearly midnight.
The Swimming Pool below us...
Michael and Shannon in the Boiler Room. Shannon is totally creeped out, thinking someone is trying to pull her down from the platform we're all standing on.
Michael and A.J. Gentile in the Boiler Room... The Director called for large flashlights for the actors to give the illusion we were on a real Paranormal Investigation with Michael. "I could see, feel, and sense many real spirits around us down there and it totally made Gene Simmons feel uncomfortable. Off camera, he asked me questions about safety for lay people not normally associated with spirits."
Michael using his dowsing rods to show the group that they weren't alone. Though in the clip you only get to see a few seconds of this, it actually lasted over 2 hours. It's a real shame that these TV production people don't show the real phenomena more often, rather they change the dialogue to make it seem that psychics aren't the real deal. I was using a crystal pendulum and could hear a spirit guide for Gene ask me to mention Florence. Gene was stumped, (though they don't show his face on sceeen) and later an insert was added with Gene and Shannon suggesting I'd read his biography or watched the show to learn who Florence was - his mother. Cheap Tricks, too bad!
When I handed the rods to Gene, they actually worked after he held onto them for about 15 minutes He was fascinated with them, Shannon tried them too and also with great results. I explained that it might take awhile for my tools to work for them, and Gene, a skeptic, was utterly fascinated at how they worked for him. Again this wasn't shown on camera!
The Seance was Real and was held in a room said to be the most truly haunted and active one in the hotel. It is so scary, the hotel no longer rents it out to guests. The stupid plumber investigators from that phony reality show, shot there, threw things around the room to make it seem haunted and actually broke an antique marble top table in there. Those goofballs never even paid for the damages, but claim the ghosts did it. We started our convocation with the spirits in the dark room and again the show edited down nearly 3 hours of our Seance with the spirits who haunt that ship, but did show the candle flame rising up in answer to one of Gene's questions that nearly caught his hair sprayed doo on fire! (Yes, that's his real hair, plastered over his scalp) Nope, so another phenomenal happening on the cutting room floor.
One comment to note about reality show's, they're often scripted and pre-planned like this one. I had no idea going in that there were going to be actors there pretending to want to show Gene the haunted boat, so he'd agree to co-produce a show all about ghosts and haunted houses. When I first met A.J., Gene and Shannon we were camped out in the Churchill suite in the hotel. Shannon looked up at me, and asked me who I was playing on the show. I told her I was playing myself, a real honest to goodness Psychic Medium. Gene looked up in horror. I mean his face turned white as a ghost and he kept trying to tease me and joke around with me about what I do. The fire alarm went off and he pointed at me saying "you did this, didn't you?" and I told him the spirits on this ship really like my energy and often do things like that to let me know they're aware that I'm on board again. There were so many unexplainable mishaps that occurred during the shoot including the hallway outside of our suite flooding. Gene and Shannon were standing in 4 inches of water with the power cords and electric cables near them. I literally yanked Gene into the room to get him out of the water and he later thanked me for possibly saving his life from electric shock. The crew were nice, but not very professional. They had me sign a contact, spelling my first and last name in print, then spelled my last name incorrectly on camera, even though I'd given everyone one of my business cards including Gene and Shannon. Don't the editors read those slips of paper?
All in all, it was a good shoot, it lasted many hours and we were all exhausted when it was over. They fed us dinner, but after shooting for nearly 6 hours, when we came back to the room there was nothing to eat, not even for the Star, Gene Simmons who was totally pissed off and let the director and crew know it. You can read more about what really happened in my new book: Haunted Houses of Hollywoodland, and later in my book: True Hauntings Aboard Queen Mary.
The Queen Mary Ship today in the 21st century
You'll be dazzled and amazed as you explore the color palettes in the world of Interior Design with your Ghost Host: Michael J. Kouri who coined, created and published his title as The Psychic Decorator for his book released in 2012. Sold Out.
Michael has worked as a Spirit Medium/Decorator Extraordinary for decades and often receives impressions from those who haunt houses throughout the world to scare away new tenants with otherworldly ideas of decor. One family wanted to paint the walls of their historic 1920's Hollywood Tudor Mansion black and purple, but the former owner who died in the house had other ideas and worked hard to scare them away, that is, until Michael J. Kouri was called in to help.
Michael has re-decorated hundreds of dwellings including private homes, condo's, apartments, offices, churches, schools, hospitals, museum, Television production sets and more with the aid of his live and "dead" clients. You'll actually see photographs captured of Michael in action with rare supernatural footage of ghostly humans and animals, in this amazing book, the first of its kind ever written and who better to do it than this world famous Psychic Medium. Michael is considered a Ghost Magnet by thousands including true believers, scientists, and skeptics alike as he uses his keen abilities reaching into the afterlife and the great beyond.
You're sure to become an Armchair Ghost hunter yourself as you explore with Michael in his fifty-third book. If you don't believe in ghosts now, you sure will after encountering them in this book! You won't want to put it down. A few years ago, Michael pitched this idea to TV producers who loved the idea. The TV show is in production and soon you'll be watching Michael J. Kouri, the Psychic Decorator decorating dwellings on television or the Big screen since Michael is the only real Psychic Decorator in the world today.
Michael J. Kouri (Above Right) investigating one of the most haunted historical houses in Knoxville, Tennessee for CBS Television in May of 2011.
Long before conducting Haunted House Investigations, offering private Psychic Readings and working throughout the Paranormal field, Michael J. Kouri followed his grandmothers footsteps in the antique world. His maternal grandfather worked at the studios in Hollywood and Michael began collecting props used in motion pictures and his favorite television shows which were available for sale at Studio yard sales, antique shows and auctions. He soon became a well known dealer of such collectibles and has shared pieces from his personal collection in libraries and museums and he's appeared on television documentaries with some of his rarest pieces including a telephone used on the I Love Lucy show, the clock that hung over Lucy and Ricky's fireplace and more. worked as an antique dealer buying and selling antiques, movie and television props from estate sales, antique shops, shows and from private collectors or the stars of stage, TV and Screen themselves. It's not unusual to find Michael at auctions, prop house sales or autograph shows as he buys from all kinds of people to enhance his own collection, or help museums, theater owners, and collectors around the world increase their own collections, too. "The hunt for these treasures is the most fun." Michael has been accused of being a "Treasure Broker," throughout his career and enjoys this work immensely. Through the years, Michael has amassed one of the largest collections of costumes, and memorabilia which he shocases in his books. He supported himself as an antique dealer from the age of 13 years old and has been buying and selling antiques and collectibles ever since. Today, Michael offers antiques, collectibles, dolls, toys and props on various online auction sites, and here on his personal website, too. Michael is still a certified appraiser, has appeared on numerous T.V. shows showing his ginormous prop collection and written about them in his books. He has also consigned antiques, collectibles and props offering estate sales and/or selling them at auctions, but now you can buy pieces from Michael's collection, that have recently been photographed to appear in two new books: Haunted Houses of Hollywoodland and Jewels of the Movie Stars and the Glamour of Hollywood's Past.
Imagine being able to own props used in motion pictures like: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, The Maltese Falcon, All That Heaven Allows, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, among dozens of others from the early Silent days to modern times and TV shows: I Love Lucy, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, The Partridge Family, The Brady Bunch, Bonanza, Dynasty, The Big Valley, Peticote Junction, The Beverly Hillbillies, and many more. Every item from Michael's personal collection will come to you complete with a certificate of provenance, professional appraisal value shown and if available photo images of the stars wearing, or working with the props offered. Michael spends hours researching the props he collects and consigns for his books or to sell, so that future generations of collectors will know the authenticity of these pieces. And it helps the value of the second and third markets, too. Anyone who collects knows, that when an item is published in a book, especially one whose author is world renowned, the value of that object goes up greatly in value. Michael J. Kouri has been friends with, worked with, and provided provided private psychic readings for dozens of movie, stage, music and television stars for many years...and has also bought, traded and sold relics from their movies, plays, tv shows or their personal lives, too. Scroll below to see what Michael's currently offering for sale from his vast archives. To purchase an item, simply email us at or call our offices in Pasadena, Ca at (626)723-6933.
If you get our voicemail, Be sure to leave us a detailed message that you are interested in a ghost tour, or buying a piece from the list below with the item number when you contact us. We'll calculate shipping, insurance, postage fees for you and gladly accept All Major Credit Cards which we process on our safe and secure Square server. All items MUST be insured and tracked to protect both our interests. Thanks.
Note: Sorry but with all of the RoboCalls we now receive, we generally won't answer calls that come in without a name. Thank You.

Item Number 104 Elizabeth Montgomery's Angel Wing Topaz rhinestone earrings Serena Prop from Bewitched. Appraisal Value: $95.00 Our Price $65.00
Number 105 Mary Pickford's Antique Bone Chine Trinket Box with French Medieval castle on front flowers on interior and sides, made by the W.H. Goss company of England circa 1850's-1930's Professional Appraisal Value $265.00 Our Price $125.00
Number 107 Doris Day's Vintage silver plated Fairy Ring with Austrian Crystal rhinestones Appraised for $125.00, Our Price $99.00 .
Michael's Original Art, Giclee's, Clocks & Props
from Movie and TV Shows For Sale...
#P129 "The Choice" was one of my first oil paintings depicts a woman making the choice as to which Angel to go with in the afterlife. I won first prize at a Santa Barbara Art Show in 2008 with this painting which was painted in oil 16" x 24".
We now offer Giclee copies, which are restriked in several sections This Giclee version of the original is offered in 2 sizes. 8" x 10" Price $575.00 and 16" x 20" $1,495.00
Agnes Moorehead has always been one of my favorite Movie Stars. She was glamorous, witty, and fun, though she could quote Shakespeare with passion. She is most known for her role as Endora on America's first Paranormal Sitcom Bewitched, yet appeared in dozens of major motion pictures long before creating the role of the meddlesome mother-in-law to Darren Stephen's in Bewitched. I never got to meet her since she died when I was a little kid, but I've always admired her work as an actress. When I started painting in oils, I decided to try to paint Agnes and Elizabeth Montgomery. You'll see a copy of my original oil painting of Agnes below, which I entered in an art show and won a prize as an amateur painter. The original was sold a few years ago at a Sci-Fi convention, but with the magic of modern printing techniques I can now offer a printed image on canvas (known as a Giclee) of my original paintings, so that many fans can enjoy them, too. Each of the Giclee" (French for print on canvas in the art world) are re painted in several areas so that the collector gets my energy on the canvas creating a Mixed Media limited edition.
With each of my paintings, and sculptures, you'll receive a certificate of authenticity, which is signed and numbered with the edition number of the pieces. To purchase any of these items just email our offices at We accept all major credit cards.
Long before I began to offer my God given psychic abilities to clients, I literally grew up in the entertainment industry. My maternal grandfather worked for many major movie studios and on several films and television shows including Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, and many more...He became fond friends with Agnes Moorehead and Elizabeth Montgomery and her husband William (Bill) Asher and he'd take me on tours of the various show sets of the particular shows he'd worked on, or would introduce me to his contacts. I like my grandmother and mother have always enjoyed and been fascinated with antiques. And it was through my grandfather's introduction to the entertainment industry I began to attend auctions, Movie Studio back lot sales, Prop House sales, and buying from private collections as I built my own unique collection of movie and TV show props. When my collection grew too large, I began selling pieces at antique shows, toy and doll shows and soon made another name for myself as a reputable antique dealer. I researched the pieces, the manufactures and was able to provide interesting facts and information about the pieces to my clients, and thus have been in that business for over 40 years as well. Yes, God truly gave me many unique gifts in this lifetime and I utilize each of them, some at the same time. People are often amazed that one person can do so many different things and be successful at them, too. Below you'll find some of the props I currently have for sale. Their professional appraisal price is shown on the COA which will accompany each piece to you with your purchase. Below is the item #, name and our price. Please give us the item # and name when you contact us for purchase. We charge accurate shipping which includes insurance and tracking based on your zip or country post code. And we accept all major credit/Debit Cards, which we process safely and securely through Square.
# P125 "Life Path" This is one of my favorite paintings I've created in my career. I felt myself in a trance as I watched the white bubbles that glide in the ocean foam as the water cascades over itself towards the shore. Watching this scene, I was instantly attracted to the depth and the colors of the water teasing and splashing at me as it hit the barnacle encrusted wooden pylons supporting the pier above.
I knew I had to paint what I saw that day, which reminds me of each persons spiritual path (Life). I painted the original in oil in 2010 and exhibited it in Huntington Beach at an art show where I won Best of Show. Everyone loved it, and it now hangs in a private collection in Laguna beach, Ca. I offer giclee copies of this masterpiece in 16" x 20" for $1,995.00 or 24" x 36" $3,500.00
#P126 "Surfing U.S.A."During one of my Haunted Houses of Huntington Beach Ghost Tours, I snapped a photo of these surfers while conducting the tour in 2009. The image sort of haunted me due to the way the sunlight cast shadows against the warm sand and from the lone surfer watching his buddy ride a wave in the distance. As you can tell, I love the ocean, and capturing other scenes inside the painting is a challenge I enjoy creating. he original was painted on a 24" x 36" canvas in oil.
We offer a Giclee in 16" x 20" Price $1,450.00
Limited Edition of 100.
#P130 "Past Life in the Orient" This painting was one of my earliest pieces, inspired by an antique oil painting from my friend's art collection in Pasadena, Ca. My initial version was painted in Water Color on Canvas as a Doll House miniature measuring only 5" by 2." Then I painted a larger version as a 24" x 36 in Oil on Canvas. I love the magical wisteria reflected on the water and its old world style charm.
This Giclee measures 24" x 36" and comes to you on canvas, unframed. Limited Edition 5. Each is greatly restriked in several places by the artist. Price $1,695.00.
(Above) One of my favorite paintings I've done, I call "Soaking Up Local Color" Oil on Canvas now in a private collection.
To Buy any of these vintage props simply email us directly at
Be sure to give us the Item # Give us the item number listed below each image.
We gladly accept Mastercard, Visa or Discover Credit/Debit cards over the phone. Shipping Insurance and Delivery Tracking prices are quoted based on your zip or countries postal codes. Your credit/Debit card number is destroyed after purchase. We've been selling to clients worldwide for over 30 years. Sales tax will be charged on our items.
<------- I've always been fascinated by the famous paintings and sculpture by Michelangelo....
My friend Jack is a model and when his wife asked me if I could paint his image from a photograph I thought it would be interesting to experiment with palette knives to give the painting an old fashioned look. The original painting on the left is what I created - painted with fine brushes and palette knives, which my mom painted with in her own career as an award winning oil painter. I spent hours watching her paint in our garage, or at the beach, pleir air style. It gives an impressionistic look to the work.
As you can see here, I enjoy painting in various styles from impressionist to modern. The original painting was a 16" x 20" on canvas. The Giclee copies are printed on canvas, and I go back and paint over certain areas (known as artist re-striking), The Giclee will come to you stretched and ready for you to frame, though I paint the sides of the canvas, giving it a modern look for those who aren't into frames.
#P128 "David" Available in 11" x 14" for $395.00. This piece as with most of my paintings come to you hand striked, where as I paint over the printed canvas to give you my energy in these very limited editions, which also come with a COA, hand signed and numbered. This painting comes in a limited Edition of 40 paintings.
To place an order, or make a purchase, Please contact us directly by emailing Michael at or by calling us at
(626) 723-6933
Item Number 137 Mary Pickford's Antique Goss Bone China Miniature vase circa 1890's-1930's "Edenbridge White Horse of Kent"
Appraisal Value $175.00 Our Price: $95.00 plus shipping fees.
Item Number 121 Elizabeth Montgomery's "Cousin Serena" Siver, Diamond and Enamel Guitar ring. Wardrobe Prop worn on Bewitched. Appraisal Value $299.00
Our Price: $225.00
Item Number 117 Agnes Moorehead's Jade Ring Bewitched TV Show Prop Appraisal Value $599.00 Our Price: $450.00 plus shipping.
#P122 Agnes Moorehead as "Endora" in Bewitched Original Oil on Canvas by Michael J. Kouri in 2013. We now offer Copies of the painting 8" X 10" Restrike on Canvas by Michael. Each come ready for you to frame, or hang as it is. Price $275.00
Number 146 Elizabeth Montgomery's Vintage silver plated Dragonfly earrings. Appraised for $199.00 Our Price $125.00 Plus shipping. COA willl be emailed to buyer after yout item is shipped.
Number 165 Elizabeth Montgomery's Bewitched Silver Plated Gravy Boat
and Fancy Bowl Appraisal Value $375.00 each Our Price $199.00 Each each will be sold separately and will come to you with our free bonus COA.
Number 13 Haunted Mansion Silhouette Charm Bracelet custom made by Michael J. Kouri Price $95.00. Each of the charms are framed in silver plated metal, the Silhouettes are mounted to a tiny piece of finished mahogany and each are signed by the artist.
Number 167 Elizabeth Montgomery's Iconic Rhinestone Heart Pin
Professional Appraisal Value $ 675.00 Our Price: $550.00
Number 110 Elizabeth Montgomery's Bewitched Prop
Rhinestone Spider Ring - perfect to wear around Halloween
Appraisal Price $195.00 Our Price $125.00 plus shipping. Adjustable Will be accompanied with our free bonus Certificate of Provenance/Authenticity emailed to the buyer.
Number 165 Clara Bow's Shoe Buckle turned Art Deco Brooch with original glued in rhinestones, this single piece was owned and worn by Clara Bow the "IT" Girl and one of Hollywood's First Movie Stars of the Golden Age of Silent Films. Appraisal Value: $195.00
Our Price: $165.00 It will be accompanied by our 4" x 5" COA.
Number 170 Shirley Temple Black Antique Doll Sized Miniature Photo Album with laminated Paris scenes that fold out inside their silver plated hinged album.
Professional Appraisal Value $199.00 Our Price $175.00
Every item you see here and on our other websites has been professionally appraised and comes with the Certificate of Authenticity shown with the pieces. These rare props from film and television shows and the personal collections of the stars have also been photographed to appear in the two new books shown on the COA. Imagine actually owning the prop, the COA and the Books they appear in, which will guarantee their history and climb in value for generations to come.
Mr. Kouri attends auctions and estate sales around the country searching for rare props for his own museum/collection or to showcase in his books, and meets collectors interested in parting with and consigning their treasures with him, while helping new collectors build there unique collection's, too. Have you read any of Michael J. Kouri's books where these and other rare props appear? They are available on this website as they are published.
Perhaps you've seen Michael J. Kouri showing pieces from his own ginormous prop collection on TV shows. Michael is one of the only Antique Dealers in the United States who specializes in 20th Century Television and Movie Props who writes about the items in his books including: Haunted Houses of Hollywoodland, Jewels of the Movie Stars and the Glamour of Hollywood's Past, Collectibles of the Stars and many more...
Many of the pieces shown here will be featured in this new book below, when it comes out in 2022.
#P123 "Sunset on the Pacific" The original was painted from a photograph I snapped while sailing back to the mainland from Catalina Island at Sunset. 8" X 10" Restrike on Canvas is Priced at $495.00. 11x14 for $675.00. Please specify size when you place your order.
#P124 "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" This painting was painted live in Huntington Beach, Ca., Pleir Air style at Sunset. I loved the way the shadows danced upon the water and underneath the old wooden pier.
We offer this as an 11" x 14" for $395.00 or 16 x 20 $675.00
Number 178 Madame Leota in her Crystal Ball pendant/necklace
Each of these Limited Edition pendants were designed and made by Michael to celebrate the Disneyland Haunted Mansion's 45th anniversary. They were only offered to members of the Facebook group Truly Vintage Disneyland II group who attended a special anniversary event at Disneyland. We have a few of these left which were limited to only 50 pieces. Price $35.00
Number 204 Elizabeth Montgomery's Antique China doll shoulder plate with Agnes on the front, made in Germany circa 1880s/90s.
Professional Appraisal Value $199.00 Our Price $175.00
Number 206 Mrs/ Howells Diamond (Rhinestone) Stretch Ring worn on Gilligan's Island. Purchased at Dawn Wells recent estate sale near Hollywood, Ca. The prop is one of 3 exact rings worn by the star of the show who later gifted them to Dawn Wells who played MaryAnn on Gilligan's Island.
Professional Appraisal Value $110.00 Our Price $110.00
Number 312 (Above) Michael J. Kouri's Mary Poppins Silhouette Charm Bracelet. Each Silhouette was made for Michael by a Disneyland Artist, then reduced in size and assembled under the glass lensed oval shaped brass frames which hang from the gold plated chain The bracelet features 10 Silhouette charms and mini brass bells. Price $99.00
"When I was a child, my maternal grandfather
worked on a plethora of Motion Pictures and TV shows at all of the major studios in Los Angeles. While working on Bewitched, and Elizabeth Montgomery was pregnant with her child, my mom was pregnant with me, and she would ask how my mom was doing and the two women would compare pregnancy notes byway of my grandfather. After we kids were born, our mom's became closer. Years later, when I met Elizabeth and she realized I was the grandson of of one of her favorite members of the Bewitched Crew, she hired me to "read" for her...we became great friends and she helped me with the research for several of my books on Hollywood, introducing me to other cast members to interview, and she gave me some props from Bewitched she'd kept through the years as momento's.
After her untimely death, I attended a Garage Sale held by her husband and family and bought more props used on Bewitched as well as pieces from her personal collection's. Elizabeth loved "Stuff so there was a ton to sell. I'd already been an antique dealer as well, and a new career blossomed as I attended celebrity auctions and Estate Sales around the country, and am now writing two books on my ginormous collection's. I sell off pieces here & there as rare items become available to me. All these years, I've collected in earnest. Today I own one of the largest Movie and TV Show Prop collections on the planet, I also consign items from private collectors to sell to other fans, as listed for sale here." - - Michael J. Kouri.
in recent years, startling
not only the restaurant
owners, but my guests,
Number 164 Natalie Schafer's simulated Black Onyx and Crystal Cameo Clip on Earrings Appraisal Value $169.00 Our Price: $125.00
Number 170.A Clara Bow Mother of Pearl and Fleur de Lis pin with original pale blue Austrian Crystal rhinestones, layered on gold plated metal over a mother of pearl heart shaped buckle. Circa 1920's Appraisal Value $199.00 Our Price $155.00
Item Number 412 Agnes Moorehead's Beautiful
Lapis Beaded Necklace Circa 1960s
Professional Appraisal Value: $175.00
plus shipping. COA will accompany this necklace.
Number 164 Ann Miller's Simulated Diamond Earrings worn in MGM's 1950's Hit "The Opposite Sex" for pierced ears
Appraisal Value $199.00 Our Price: $95.00 w COA
Number 146 Agnes Moorehead's Vintage Triple strand multi faceted diamond shaped beaded necklace Appraised value $275.00
Our Price $185.00 Plus shipping. COA will accompany this piece.
Number 204 Doris Day's Gold-Plated Dangling Earrings Movie Props
Professional Appraisal Value $275.00 Our Price $169.00 plus tax and shipping.
<==== Disneyland's Haunted Mansion is one of the most popular ride/attractions in Walt Disney's first theme park. Michael has always loved the façade and the interior sets and knew he had to paint it. The original painting was displayed at Club 33 for a special Haunted Mansion 50th anniversary celebration and sold to another fan of the attraction who is also a director of several Disney films.
But you can buy a giclée copy, which Michael re-paints certain sections. This piece features ghosts on the front lawn, and two creepy trees. A special glowing technique highlights the windows through the wrought iron, making this a one of a kind original Price $1,200.00. 16" x 24" it will come to you unframed.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the heavy fires in Southern California, our phone company is experiencing technical difficulties and our phone line is down at this time. To place an order or contact Mr. Kouri email him at Thanks for your patience.
Number 244 "Very Rare" Elizabeth Montgomery's Prop-Alike Bubble Heart Pendant/necklace Bewitched TV show prop. Appraisal Value $1,500.00 Our Price: $1,250.00 plus tax & shipping.
Number 248 Elizabeth Montgomery's simulated black Lava Cameo Pendant Professional Appraisal Value $199.00 Our Price: $110.00
# BW 22 Bewitched Clock Our Price: $99.00 Each is signed and numbered by the artist. Made exclusively for us at
Number 205 Doris Day's Silver-Plated Diamond (Rhinestone) Bracelet Movie Prop. Professional Appraisal Value $325.00 Our Price $265.00 plus tax and shipping.
Number 204 Doris Day's Gold-Plated Dangling Earrings Movie Props
Professional Appraisal Value $275.00 Our Price $169.00 plus tax and shipping.